Beautiful skin is a privilege, but properly cared skin is an accomplishment!!!
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Calories Deficit
What do you know about calories deficit? Calories deficit is a state where your body burns more calories than it consumes. If you want this to happen, well , you have to eat less (or eat ONLY when you are hungry!). If you eat more calories than what your body needs, that extra calories will be stored as FAT.
Losing weight is simple if you follow the calorie deficit rule. You have to burn more calories than what you take in.
Ways to create Calories Deficit:
1. By dieting or eating less and/or
2. By doing exercise.
For long lasting and healthier results always combine restricted diet and routine exercise programs.
Have fun!!!
New Tabita
Hi ladies, do not get cheated by using a fake Tabita that is in the market right now. It might be cheap, but, they are not the real one. Beware of the fake Tabita! The fake Tabita can spoil your skin without you knowing about it.
Tabita consists of 4 items namely :
Facial Wash
Smooth Lotion (Toner)
Day Cream
Night Cream.
Please take note that due to oxidation, the smooth lotion's bottle cover might get a bit blackish. However, do not be alarmed as this product contains lauric acid (from coconut) so once opened it might get exposed to the air (oxygen) and so it turns blackish due to oxidation.
Tabita ,if use as directed in the leaflet, could produce a satisfactory result quite fast.The genuine Tabita do not get your face burn under the sun and do not make your face reddish. So Be Ware!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Why Women Wear Makeup
Despite the saying that 'men love women for who they naturel!' many experts believe that makeup worn daily by many women worldwide, may affect their self esteem, overall performance and even ability to be hired. Makeup to a woman is :
A mood lifter
A Confidence booster
A Natural beauty enhancer.
A study by London School of Fashion students in 2009 found that 85% of women believed that wearing makeup managed to lift their mood on a bad day. Women tend to have more self confidence when they go out wearing makeup. They normally feel happier and a lot better about themselves.
Nicolas Gueguen, a French psychologist has found evidence that men are more attracted to 'painted' ladies. When men say that they do not like makeup, what they mean is that they do not like women with too much makeup (like war-paint) or apply it badly.
After asking guys of different age group, these are the findings:
1.Most of the time guys do not realise whether a woman is wearing makeup or not. All that they notice is that the woman is beautiful!
2.The guys only realise that a woman is wearing makeup if she over-applied or wearing it badly.
3.The 'unconscious' number of guys are attracted to 'painted' women.
Whatever the reason for the women to use makeup, the key word is moderation. Makeup can enhance the natural beauty of any woman if use in moderation. Makeup also benefits the younger and older women. Younger women may use makeup to achieve older appearance and cover some imperfections or blemishes. And older women can use certain makeup techniques to help them look younger. In todays world, society places so much emphasis on women's appearance, so it really pays to take an interest on yourself.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
A woman without paint is like food without salt!
A Roman philosopher,
Plautus, wrote, "A woman without paint is like food without
Well ladies, if that is the case, you have to put on a little colour to your face ! Colouring (make up) will definately make your face more cheerful and beautiful!
However, you do not have to paint your face too heavily. All you need is a light powder and some lipsticks and of course eye liner /eye brows.Voila!
Make up should be used with skill and knowledge. It is meant to enhance some features and hide imperfections. A little lip colour, eyeshadow and mascara will definately makes alot of difference to your appearance.
Well ladies, would it kill you to take an interest in yourself?
The picture above is that of Gwyneth-Paltrow.
Well ladies, if that is the case, you have to put on a little colour to your face ! Colouring (make up) will definately make your face more cheerful and beautiful!
However, you do not have to paint your face too heavily. All you need is a light powder and some lipsticks and of course eye liner /eye brows.Voila!
Make up should be used with skill and knowledge. It is meant to enhance some features and hide imperfections. A little lip colour, eyeshadow and mascara will definately makes alot of difference to your appearance.
Well ladies, would it kill you to take an interest in yourself?
The picture above is that of Gwyneth-Paltrow.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Saya banyak menulis tentang Tabita dari dulu lagi. A few months ago I decided to stop using Tabita! Guess what? Saya rasa muka saya lebih bagus masa pakai Tabita. Jadi sekarang saya pakai semula Tabita and wow! Ramai yang komen yang muka saya 'berseri'.
Tabita some how manage to give your face a beautiful glow and firm up your facial skin.....what I need actually!
Tabita......You are the Best!!!BUT, please be careful......theres a lot of fake Tabita in the market right now. Harga murah ya, tapi hati hati! Tabita tiruan ada mengandungi Hydroquinon.....Beware!
Saya banyak menulis tentang Tabita dari dulu lagi. A few months ago I decided to stop using Tabita! Guess what? Saya rasa muka saya lebih bagus masa pakai Tabita. Jadi sekarang saya pakai semula Tabita and wow! Ramai yang komen yang muka saya 'berseri'.
Tabita some how manage to give your face a beautiful glow and firm up your facial skin.....what I need actually!
Tabita......You are the Best!!!BUT, please be careful......theres a lot of fake Tabita in the market right now. Harga murah ya, tapi hati hati! Tabita tiruan ada mengandungi Hydroquinon.....Beware!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Tabita....Testimoni dari Rakan
Seperti ramai wanita, saya memang gemar mencantikkan diri, apa lagi kalau untuk muka.Dah beribu RM yang saya bazirkan, tetapi muka tetap sama je!!! Muka saya selama ini memang ada bekas jerawat (parut/lubang)dan garis halus yang mengingatkan kita bahawa diri dah mula memasukki alam senja.He he he
Mula mula saya agak ragu ragu untuk memakai Tabita, apa lagi bila harga yang saya dengar dari seorang kenalan sungguh memeranjatkan.....RM1200 untuk pek regular dan RM1800 untuk pek exclusif!!! Mak datok, mahal giler!!! Tetapi dengan kuasa Allah, saya dapat membeli dari seorang dealer dengan harga yang betul2 rendah....RM500.00 sahaja!(Tabita yang Asli)
Pada malam tu, saya dah tak sabar nak mencubanya! Tepat jam 8.45pm lepas je solat Isyak, terus cuci muka dan mencuba Tabita.Paginya pula, bangun terus check kat cermin, ada apa2 perbezaan ke? Mana ada, baru pakai satu malam!
Beberapa hari yang seterusnya, saya memakai Tabita dengan begitu tekun dan yakin! Minggu pertama, muka saya nampak agak kering dan tanda mengelupas yang halus halus ternampak di kulit muka.Saya teruskan memakainya.
Minggu kedua, muka dah mula nampak cerah, sampai cik abang pun dah mula tegur! Hati saya dah mula rasa suka dan memanjatkan kesyukuran pada Ilahi yang telah menemukan saya dengan skin care yang bernama Tabita!
Hari ini telah genap 9 bulan saya memakai Tabita. Lubang bekas jerawat dan parut serta garis halus mula hilang , dan kulit kelihatan muda dan cerah!!! Keyakinan saya pada Tabita terus memuncak bila saya dapati yang Tabita memang tanpa Hydroquinon dan Mercury. Tabita di racik memakai bahan alam semula jadi.
Sabun:papaya jepun
Toner:Lauric acid dari kelapa
Day cream:papaya jepun, kolegen, vit.C&E
Night cream:serbuk mutiara
Sekarang, saya mengurangi pemakaian toner sebab kulit saya dah cantik(Alhamdulillah). Toner hanya di pakai 3/4 kali seminggu.
Dengan pengalaman saya ni, saya mula recommend kan buat teman2 yang bermasaalah seperti saya. Alhamdulillah, semua happy dan muka terus cerah dan pori pori dah mengecil !!!
Mula mula saya agak ragu ragu untuk memakai Tabita, apa lagi bila harga yang saya dengar dari seorang kenalan sungguh memeranjatkan.....RM1200 untuk pek regular dan RM1800 untuk pek exclusif!!! Mak datok, mahal giler!!! Tetapi dengan kuasa Allah, saya dapat membeli dari seorang dealer dengan harga yang betul2 rendah....RM500.00 sahaja!(Tabita yang Asli)
Pada malam tu, saya dah tak sabar nak mencubanya! Tepat jam 8.45pm lepas je solat Isyak, terus cuci muka dan mencuba Tabita.Paginya pula, bangun terus check kat cermin, ada apa2 perbezaan ke? Mana ada, baru pakai satu malam!
Beberapa hari yang seterusnya, saya memakai Tabita dengan begitu tekun dan yakin! Minggu pertama, muka saya nampak agak kering dan tanda mengelupas yang halus halus ternampak di kulit muka.Saya teruskan memakainya.
Minggu kedua, muka dah mula nampak cerah, sampai cik abang pun dah mula tegur! Hati saya dah mula rasa suka dan memanjatkan kesyukuran pada Ilahi yang telah menemukan saya dengan skin care yang bernama Tabita!
Hari ini telah genap 9 bulan saya memakai Tabita. Lubang bekas jerawat dan parut serta garis halus mula hilang , dan kulit kelihatan muda dan cerah!!! Keyakinan saya pada Tabita terus memuncak bila saya dapati yang Tabita memang tanpa Hydroquinon dan Mercury. Tabita di racik memakai bahan alam semula jadi.
Sabun:papaya jepun
Toner:Lauric acid dari kelapa
Day cream:papaya jepun, kolegen, vit.C&E
Night cream:serbuk mutiara
Sekarang, saya mengurangi pemakaian toner sebab kulit saya dah cantik(Alhamdulillah). Toner hanya di pakai 3/4 kali seminggu.
Dengan pengalaman saya ni, saya mula recommend kan buat teman2 yang bermasaalah seperti saya. Alhamdulillah, semua happy dan muka terus cerah dan pori pori dah mengecil !!!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Exercise.......What to wear

Regardless of shape, size or fitness level that you are in, you have to put on a proper attire when you do exercise.This is a must!Looking good is not the only consideration when choosing a workout outfit. The outfit must bend and stretch with you and at the same time it has to promote support and comfort as well.
Another important aspect is the shoes. Your shoes need to be supportive and specific to the activity that you intend to do. For ladies, workout bras are equally important. Workout bras must have features such as adjustable straps and breathable fabrics.
Ladies, No Makeup please! Makeup will clog your pores when you sweat.So forgo any makeup and jewelry since jewelry will get in your way.
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