Sunday, August 30, 2009

How to prevent Acne/Pimples

When we are young we are not careful with what we put in our mouths. As a result, many teenagers have breakouts. In most cases, teenagers feel horrified when they have pimples. This condition is made worst when the parents are not being helpful. Sometimes the parents are equally ignorant as to how to treat pimples. However, they are people who get their pimples when they are adults. This is mostly due to hormone imbalance.

Why do you have breakouts?

4 Internal factors :

Bacteria......lives on our skin and cause pimples

Sebum........excessive secretion of oil will clog up the pores and cause pimples

Hormones....hormonal change/imbalance due to stress, menstruation, pregnancy can cause pimples

Genetic....genetic does influence the thickness of the skin and hormone responses.

4 External factors

Improper Skin Care products

Over exposed to sunrays

Picking and squeezing

Washing face too often....resulting in stimulating oil glands

How to Avoid Pimples/Acne

1. Drink plenty of plain water and cut on your carbonated drinks.

2. Try to avoid taking caffeine products and excessive salty foods

3. Make a habbit of taking a properly balanced diet and take lots of fresh food.

4. Leading a healthy lifestyle by doing exercise to increase blood circulation

5. Enough sleep is very important to stabilize our hormone levels.

6. Lead a stress free life.

Lastly, I would like to add a few suggesstions.

For those who suffer from acne/pimples try to:

1. Seek professional help by going to salon

2. Use reliable products.

Our Caroline Rejuvenation Lotion , Refining Cream, 2 in 1 Purifying Cleanser and Repair Cream are very powerful products in combating acne and pimples.

Important tips: 1. For Pimples......Mixed equal portion of Refining Cream and 2 in 1 Purifying Cleanser. Smooth it over the affected areas and sleep with it.

2. For Open Pores..... Mixed equal portion of Rejuvenation Lotion and Repair Cream. Smooth it over the affected areas and again sleep with it.

N.B. For matured skin though, it is not advisable to use this mixture too often as it might get too drying.

Happy trying! Please let me know if it really works for you .


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for your informative tips.

    I had seen informative site where i found natural way to reduce acnepimples and increase stamina and build immune to fight against diseases. I want to share too.....

    Thanks for sharing....
    Home Remedies
