What really happens when you started using Tabita:
(1st - 7th) day...You will feel itchy, your face feel taught, at times your complexion looks darker than normal and some experience redness. Do not panic, as these phases are normal at the initial stage of using Tabita.
(10th - 20th)day...some will experience the renewal of the skin by having pinkish and uneven skin tone.
N.B. At this stage,you are not supposed to scratch,this might cause skin abrasions.
After the 4th and 5th week, you will find that your skin will feel and look much better. The pores will be smaller, face becomes fairer and smoother.Those with pimples however can expect their pimples to subside and the healing process of the scars begin.Slowly but surely, the face will be transformed into a beautiful, smooth and almost pinkish complexion.
The natural ingredients like Vitamin A/C/E helps to repair and heal the skin and eleminate the scars. Japanese papaya extract also makes the skin fairer and Collagen helps to firm up the skin. Tabita also uses Pearl Powder to make the complexion fairer and at the same time firm it up.
N.B>: Daily cream is to be used all day whenever you go out under the sun as this is a treatment as well as sunblock cream.
Beautiful skin is a privilege, but properly cared skin is an accomplishment!!!
Welcome to girl2lady online blog shop. Please feel free to browse through my blog shop and drop me a message if you have any queries. I'll try my best to serve you better.
Email: girl2lady.admin@gmail.com
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Tabita - Special Cream

Tabita skin care has another very popular product, Special Cream.This cream is only for those that have used Tabita skin care for three months or more.The reason being that during the first three months,the skin is still being treated and neutralised by Tabita.
This Special Cream is recommended for those aged thirty-five and above as an anti-ageing remedy.It helps to firm up, maintain the moisture level and control the elasticity of your skin.
Suggested Usage: twice a week (replacing the night cream).
Tabita - New Packaging
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Testimonials On Tabita
These are Testimonials on Tabita from satisfied people.
(Ria)I used to have pimples and I have a very sensitive skin with pimple marks and holes.
BUT, since I started using Tabita, my oily face is no more, holes are shallow and almost gone now, and leaving a very fresh, fairer and even skin tone.
To me,Tabita is 'unique'. Tabita (with its natural ingredients) will somehow neutralize your skin and makes it normal again.All the ingredients in Tabita are natural and without Hydroquinon!.......
(Sofea)Tabita somehow managed to make my complexion looks flawless! It is really a miracle product!
(CL Lim)Scared to try at first, but thank God that I have tried it! Now I cannot live without it!
(Janet)My face looks better and better each day! Really happy with this product.
(JL Tan)Very happy with this product. I do not have to put on any foundation and look younger now(commented my hubby...lol)Tq Tabita!
Ibu rita
Awal muka nya berjerawat merah, dia sudah menggunakan berbagai macam produk perawatan muka,setelah pemakaian satu bulan Paket Tabita skincare ,jerawat mengering, sedikit demi sedikit mulai menghilang, saat ini sedang proses menghilangkan bekas jerawat yang hitam.
Ibu siti_jakarta
Awal muka halus, belum pernah menggunakan paket perawatan sama sekali, setelah pemakain 1 minggu keluar jerawat, disebebkan dalam kulit mukanya kotor, setelah pemakaian 1.5 bulan kulit kembali halus dan jerawat sudah tidak ada lagi.
Jika sudah pernah menggunakan perawatan maka muka biasanya, tidak panas. Atau perih.
Ibu rosa.
Setelah menggunakan Tabita 3 minggu, sudah mendapatkan hasil, tanpa melalui proses pengeluaran jerawat, panas, atau perih.
(Ria)I used to have pimples and I have a very sensitive skin with pimple marks and holes.
BUT, since I started using Tabita, my oily face is no more, holes are shallow and almost gone now, and leaving a very fresh, fairer and even skin tone.
To me,Tabita is 'unique'. Tabita (with its natural ingredients) will somehow neutralize your skin and makes it normal again.All the ingredients in Tabita are natural and without Hydroquinon!.......
(Sofea)Tabita somehow managed to make my complexion looks flawless! It is really a miracle product!
(CL Lim)Scared to try at first, but thank God that I have tried it! Now I cannot live without it!
(Janet)My face looks better and better each day! Really happy with this product.
(JL Tan)Very happy with this product. I do not have to put on any foundation and look younger now(commented my hubby...lol)Tq Tabita!
Ibu rita
Awal muka nya berjerawat merah, dia sudah menggunakan berbagai macam produk perawatan muka,setelah pemakaian satu bulan Paket Tabita skincare ,jerawat mengering, sedikit demi sedikit mulai menghilang, saat ini sedang proses menghilangkan bekas jerawat yang hitam.
Ibu siti_jakarta
Awal muka halus, belum pernah menggunakan paket perawatan sama sekali, setelah pemakain 1 minggu keluar jerawat, disebebkan dalam kulit mukanya kotor, setelah pemakaian 1.5 bulan kulit kembali halus dan jerawat sudah tidak ada lagi.
Jika sudah pernah menggunakan perawatan maka muka biasanya, tidak panas. Atau perih.
Ibu rosa.
Setelah menggunakan Tabita 3 minggu, sudah mendapatkan hasil, tanpa melalui proses pengeluaran jerawat, panas, atau perih.
Tabita - Unique And Effective Skin Care
Tabita : Origin.....JAPAN
uses only natural ingredients and without hydroquinon!
uses Japanese Papaya Extract, Pearl Powder, Green Tea, Collagen and Vitamin C&E.
1.Rejuvenates the cells (Result: Your skin looking younger and firmer)
2.Removes scars and pimple's mark.Result:(Even out your skin tone and have glowing/fresh complexion)
3.Makes the skin clearer and fairer.Result:(Your skin will be fresh and fairer)
4.Neutralises the skin.Result:(Oily skin will be normalized and dry skin will be much better)
5.Treats pimples.Results:(Pimples will disappear slowly but surely)
Tabita Set:
1.Facial Soap
2.Smooth Lotion(Toner)
3.Day Cream
4.Night Cream
N.B.Use Tabita only 2x a day (morning and night)
DISCLAIMER: Visible results after using product varies for each user, depending on various conditions.
Moisturizer.....Why do you have to use it?

Moisturizers are basically just oil. You spread them on your skin and it hinders the loss of water through your skin, reasons being:
oil floats on water, oil does not evaporate easily,and water stays trapped between your skin and the oil,and therefore your skin gets to be moisturised! Thats all!. Moisturizing creams do not actually ADD moisture to your skin, but they do hinder the loss.
Moisturizing your face keeps the oil levels in your skin regulated.
Do you need to moisturize your face if you have pimples?
Usually people with oily/acne prone skin tend to use deep cleansing/acne products and wash their face daily to keep the oil under control.However,this process dries out their faces and they do not moisturize because they think it will just make their skin more oily. In reality, the skin will sense the drop in essential oil the face needs to keep hydrated , and this signals the skin to produce more oil to replenish the essential oils which leads to excess oil on the face.So when you moisturize your skin,it keeps the skin from producing excess oil.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Detox For Inner Glow !

You can look radiance and glowing if you detox regularly.A healthy body is a body with less toxins and when that happens, your face will glow with radiance!
Today with more toxins in the environment than ever, "it's critical to detox" says Linda Page, N.D.,Ph.D.,The Author of Detoxification.
You need to detox if you have:
1.Unexplained fatigue
2.Irritated skin (allergies)
3.Bags under your eyes
4.Menstrual difficulties
5.Bloatted tummy, event if the rest of your body is thin or
6.Mental confusion.
Where To Begin:
1.Do away with coffee, tea, alcohol,cigarettes,refined sugars and saturated fats, all of which acts as toxin in your body and are hindrances to your healing process.
2.Minimize the use of chemical-based products(household cleaners)
3.Use herbal-based health care products(shampoo,tooth paste etc).
Ways To Detoxify Your Body:
Drink plenty of water.
Eat Plenty Of Fiber.
Take vitamin C, which helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives away toxins.
Breathe deeply to allow oxygen to circulate more completely through your system.
Sweat in a sauna so your body can eliminate wastes through perspiration.
Use Detox Patches.
Exercise regularly.
"Detoxification works because it addresses the needs of individual cells, the smallest units of human life," says Bennett.(Peter Bennett, N.D., medical director of Helios Clinic in Victoria, B.C.)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Special Offer !!! Slimming Sauna Belt
Have you ever heard of Sauna Slimming Belt? This fabulous belt really can shed your fat off. It can be placed on your tummy, waist, back and hips. Its main characteristics are:
1. Far-Infrared Life Effect... Speeds up fat burning and burns calories quickly.
2. Accelerate blood circulation for youthful vigour and relaxes your body system.
3.Naval Heat Therapy...this sauna belt speeds up stomach peristalsis and improve digestion.
Package Includes:
Packing Box
Digital Sauna Belt
Instruction manual
Free Tape Measure
Price:RM88.00 per set
Friday, July 9, 2010
Clear Toxin Fast & Effective !!!

N.B.Pic. on your left shows the used Detox Patches...black patches(toxin) and body fat.
It is widely known that the waste products(toxins) accumulated from the food we eat and the polluted air we breathe in contribute to many health problems to our body. When the waste products in our body reaches an excessive level, they can cause fatigue, lethargy, restlessness or other health problems.
There are various methods to clear the build up of these waste products(toxins) in our body; including
2. dieting
3. sweat out in a sauna
4. regular physical exercise or even
5. colon-cleansing.
But now you can easily use Detox Patches.However,the question that most of us will ask is, Why place the patches on the soles of your feet? To understand the reason, please read this:
In basic Chinese Medical theory, the soles of the feet is also known as "The Second Heart", which means it is the focal point for important parts of the body, especially blood circulation.
Based on this theory, detox body patches are primarily used on the soles of the feet because by applying the detox body patches to this area, you expel harmful toxins from the whole body.
Price:RM3.00/USD1 per set (2 sachets/1sets)
DISCLAIMER: Visible results after using product varies for each user, depending on various conditions.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Young And Carefree !!!

No one on this earth wants to look OLD! All of us want to look young and beautiful, however there is no need to go under the knife! What you need to do is to inculcate few tricks in your daily routine:
1.Get to drink 8 glasses of water everyday
2.Out in the sun with sunscreen lotion
3.Lipstick colour must NOT be red and brown....stick to beige and pink
4.Hairstyle should be nice with carefree look
5.Not to overdo with Eyebrows outlining
6.Maintain a proper and confident posture( this can even make you look slimmer!)
7.Try to get a young fragrance by having floral scents
8. Sleeping pattern of 7-8 hours help you look young and fresh!
9.Daily routine:Cleansing, toning, moisturising and nourishing your skin is a must!
10.Try to stay slim: No processed food and food with MSG.No crash diet either! Eat in small portion
11.Be active and do light exercise always.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Have you ever heard crunching sound of your bone???

Well,that is the sound of your bone rubbing against each other!This is the warning sign of OSTEOARTHRITIS!Another indication is the stiffness in joints after getting out of bed in the morning and after sitting for a long time.
How to control:
1.Take supplements( Glucosamine, Vitamin A&C ).These Vitamins induce cartilage formation.
2.Keep a healthy body weight
3.Achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Pomegranate "The Jewel of Winter."

Pomegranate season is from September to February in the Northern Hemisphere. This has earned it the nickname "The Jewel of Winter."
Several recent studies have shown significant potential health benefits from drinking Pomegranate Juice :
1.Fight Breast Cancer
2.Prevent Lung Cancer
3.Slows Prostate Cancer
4.Protects Neonatal Brain
5.Prevention of Osteoarthritis(prevent cartilage deterioration)
6.Protects the arteries
7.Lowers Cholesterol
8.Lowers Blood Pressure
9.Dental Protection
10.Alzheimer's Disease Prevention.
However Pomegranate also has been mentioned in Qur'an and Bible as one of the fruits that will grow in the gardens of Paradise!
So ladies, go out and get hold of Pomegranate Juice!!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Tabita Skin Care......Unisex Skin Care
N.B. LEFT (Tabita Regular Set)
RIGHT (Tabita Exclusive Set)
Tabita is a product for All! This beauty product can be used by both male and female and even teenagers.
Tabita skin care is a product from Indonesia. It has been in the market for the past 8 years. However, this unique product has been kept a secret till recently. As a result, not many people know of the existance of Tabita (even among the Indonesians!)
Why is it that this product is so special? Well this product uses only natural ingredients and without hydroquinon! It uses Japanese Papaya Extract, Pearl Powder, Green Tea, Collagen and Vitamin C&E.
1.Rejuvenates the cells and firms up the skin.
2.Removes scars and pimple's mark.
3.Makes the skin clearer and fairer.
4.Neutralises the skin
5.Treats pimples.
Tabita Set:
1.Facial Soap
2.Smooth Lotion(Toner)
3.Day Cream
4.Night Cream
DISCLAIMER: Visible results after using product varies for each user, depending on various conditions.
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