Monday, September 7, 2009

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." Those are great words from Confucius .

"When a guy tells you that you're hot; he is looking at your body. "
" When a guy tells you that you're pretty; he is looking at your face."
" But when a guy tells you that you're beautiful; he is looking at your heart."
It is an accomplishment to have a beautiful body and face but you have to top it off with a beautiful heart.

One question though. How do you achieve a desirable look without the heavy use of cosmetics and makeup?
Be as natural as possible and do up only when and where necessary. Natural beauty is akin to an overall healthy appearance. You have to start with a better lifestyle. Your own attitude and daily life normally reflects in how you look to others. They always say, 'you are what you eat', so start taking good food and a balanced diet. Taking good food will help your organs to function well and this will certainly shows on the outside. Good nutrition is key to your outward appearance and longevity.

Caring for skin is very important as the skin is the biggest organ of your body. In order to have a soft , supple as well as radiant skin ,do drink lots of water. Take note, after shower always apply body lotion while the skin is still damp to lock in the moisture. Try using herbal base products for your skin care. Always try to avoid going under the sun especially between 10am to 4pm as the ray is most damaging at this time. Never leave your home without using sunblock (SPF 15 at least).

Ok now that we have a good and functional body, what do we do? We have to mantain it. We have to learn to live a stress free life. Make it a routine to relax and pamper yourself. Ladies can easily do this by going to beauty saloons. Doing facial by yourself is not the same as having professionals doing it for you. Benefits: better blood circulation, aids lymphatic drainage(removal of toxin/waste from body), keep your skin hydrated and removing of dead cells which in turn makes your skin look fairer.

Besides going to beauty saloons, you have to keep yourself fit by doing exercise.

Take care and have a lovely day!

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