Would you like to have this face? This is a photo of a model who uses gold as her beauty treatment.
There are many benefits of Gold:
1.Slows down collagen depletions and breakdowns of elastin to prevent sagging skin.
2.Stimulates cellular growth of basal layer to regenerate a firmer, healthier thighter skin.
3.Gold fights off damaging free radicals to prevent premature ageing of the skin.
Caroline's new product to delay the onset of wrinkle is Gold Rejuvenation Treatment Set. (take note: not on pimple and conjested face though)
What do you get with this set:
1. Gold Foils..............1pcs.
2.Hydrating Serum.......2bottles
3.Vitamin C powder......2bottles
4.UV Cream........1bottle (5gm)
5. 2in 1 Purifying Cleanser.......1bottle (30ml)
6.Milky Scrub.........1bottle(40gm)
7.Liposome Gel.......1bottle(40gm)
8.Anti-ageing Capsule......8pcs.
9.White Lotion........4packs (65ml)
10.Hydrating Soft Mask.....4packs(30gm)
1.Clean your face with the 2 in 1 Purifying Cleanser
2.Scrub your face with Milky Scrub
3.Smooth on the Hydrating Serum and massage till absorbed.
4.Apply Gold Foil Mask.
5. Continue to massage it with Liposome Gel . Use wet sponge to clean it.
6.Continue to massage with Anti Ageing Capsule.
7.Place Hydrating Soft Mask (mix with White Lotion). Take note: have to mix the two and apply it quickly as not to let it dry before placing on your face.
8. Leave mask on for 30-40 mins. and then peel it off or sponge it off.
9.Smooth on Vitamin C and massage for 2-3mins.
10.Lastly, apply reasonable amount of UV Cream
Tara!!!!!!The result : A more hydrated and moisturised skin, fine lines will be reduced, increase in lightening and firming effect.
Price: RM 708.00/USD197 (8 Treatments)
DISCLAIMER: Visible results after using product varies for each user, depending on various conditions.
N.B. Not suitable for acne/pimple skin.
Wow Mum! Good job here! Am impressed. Keep it up.